Sunday, March 4, 2018

Does Any, or ALL of this...

...look like it was created by the same person?

The next one is OBVIOUSLY similar:

OK, let's speed this up a bit. David Rosler is @jackcashill's newest moniker. Dude's had MANY, but this one is funnier than anything that came before it OR any number of flics that Cashill & Amidon have done, or will do.

Note the NEON & the use of multiple fonts. This tells us a couple of things:
  1. Dude's never taken a Desktop Publishing class, in his 70+ years on Earth; AND
  2. There's Chaos plus #Boom FLAMES & shit, he seems to think is pleasing to the eye, yeah NO dude.
I'm not going to include links, I wouldn't trust ANYTHING Jack Cashill does, evil-cheater.

From 11 March 2016, how did THIS work for you?

Wait, WHUT? That's right, it didn't work.

The faux flic before "Orbiter" was the above piece-of-work, "Bravery; [sic]..."  The "Co-producers" for "Bravely" were Kathy Amidon & her friend (too famous to use his REAL name) "ProeGraphique."

There's so much more but, the way I see it; the same person (with all his migraine-inducing neon) made all of these different blogs & websites. If you disagree, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

I'm interested in ALL opinions.

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