Sunday, March 11, 2018

Orbiter dude says he's an "American Hero"...

...For Single-Handedly Bringing About the Benghazi Select Committee.

This is really funny, since this was the MAIN accomplishment of @FrankMDavisJr aka Proe Graphique aka @TP_Fire_Ants and all the other odd moniker's used by John Rogers Cashill aka Jack Cashill.

Meet the REAL "orbiterMovie"-dude
If I were you, my next thought would be "PROVE IT." This will take a few minutes, so put in your earbuds & kick back. Listen to these three recordings, then if your ears deceive you, "MY BAD."

Jack Cashill on C-SPAN2 BOOKTV

Jack Cashill during a phone conversation with "Yours Truly."

"David Rosler" on a Radio "Talk Show" about "orbiter." This one you can watch Andy, the host, roll his eyes when he can't get a word in edge-wise. I feel his frustration, David -- as Jack -- did the same thing to me.

@Orbitermovie is BENT again!

Funny, it was Jack Cashill as "ProeGraphique" who got all bent about the Wiccan-thing. Still don't know what makes you think this. I've looked EVERYWHERE, so unless you hacked into my social media account & forged something this IS, and always has been, just like you (a has-been) straight up BULLSHIT.

BTW Jack: Your "Bona Fides," are straight up BULLSHIT. You are nowhere on IMDb, except for a 1986-1989 "cartoon" as 1 of 21 "storyboard artists." Nothing you say you've worked on is anywhere NEAR 21st Century.

THIS is an IMPRESSIVE RESUME, for a 17 year old!

That said, what the fuck do I  need "Bona Fides" for, Jack... I'm not pimping out a 6 min "trailer" that will never be anything near a full-length  feature flic in "3D Stereoscopic," so shut the fuck up you idiot.

Lemme ask you, AGAIN: Does Professor Joanie F. (didn't take your last name, ouch) know this is what you're wasting your time in Freedoia? It's NEAR Albany, but Big Sky Media Digital Client looks like it's
in a detached garage or maybe a mother-in-law studio. Why don't you cop to your most recent project? I know! It's because it too, was nothing more than a trailer -- an epic fail, just like you @jackcashill. Now... KISS MY (real) CONSERVATIVE ASS. kthx, diaf
You are nothing more than a big, fat,
lying, sac of steaming shit.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

So This Rosler, David-Dude is All Bent...

     ...Seriously, he Went ALL CAPS About a 3 yr. Series ('86-'89);            "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers"

(All photos & YouTube videos are used
in accordance with the "Fair Use Act.")

To take one look at his migraine-inducing Neon "website" you would think this dude wrote, directed AND produced this cartoon. Yes, it's a cartoon. Not only that, he was just ONE (1) of 21 "storyboard artists" (their title, not mine) who worked on 1 episode or maybe 12.

NEVER EVER "QUESTION" the VALIDITY of Jack Cashill... err... I mean Rosler, David.

Yes, "David," yes you did, as did 20 other people. Take a Xanax with an Irish Whiskey-back dude. If you go getting yourself all worked up over this, you might have a coronary event.

You have to ask yourself, is this individual really working hard on a "Christian Conservative" flic or is he more concerned about his delusion that because no one is "donating" or RT'ing his gimpy tweets, that with all his 400 + change Followers, his voice is so big, his Tweets SO IMPORTANT, that like Milo, Twitter is "censoring" his tweets begging for money? That's so difficult to believe, in fact, I think he's lost his last nut - along with Kathy Amidon aka @kathyshell_2 - and all his begging and whining is attention-seeking behavior. Both of them need to seek Psychiatric help.

 - as for his IMBd profile, mention of one TV series (a Sat. morning cartoon, no doubt!) is listed, period. Now, this guy has been around for a while. Does it make sense that this ego, this kind of self-centered, whiney sissy bitch is going to leave his IMDb profile looking like this (?):

Jack...err...Dave takes credit for many movies, he can edit/contribute to his own bio, and yet...

He brags about this flic too - actually, it's another 3 min. trailer - but nowhere is Rosler's name mentioned:

This one = HYSTERICAL! Seriously, Jack Cashill must get a tiny hard-on when he adds NEON (where it's not appropriate or needed). Sound down, this is screeching BAD:

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Does Any, or ALL of this...

...look like it was created by the same person?

The next one is OBVIOUSLY similar:

OK, let's speed this up a bit. David Rosler is @jackcashill's newest moniker. Dude's had MANY, but this one is funnier than anything that came before it OR any number of flics that Cashill & Amidon have done, or will do.

Note the NEON & the use of multiple fonts. This tells us a couple of things:
  1. Dude's never taken a Desktop Publishing class, in his 70+ years on Earth; AND
  2. There's Chaos plus #Boom FLAMES & shit, he seems to think is pleasing to the eye, yeah NO dude.
I'm not going to include links, I wouldn't trust ANYTHING Jack Cashill does, evil-cheater.

From 11 March 2016, how did THIS work for you?

Wait, WHUT? That's right, it didn't work.

The faux flic before "Orbiter" was the above piece-of-work, "Bravery; [sic]..."  The "Co-producers" for "Bravely" were Kathy Amidon & her friend (too famous to use his REAL name) "ProeGraphique."

There's so much more but, the way I see it; the same person (with all his migraine-inducing neon) made all of these different blogs & websites. If you disagree, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

I'm interested in ALL opinions.